Thermoplastic Road Markings – What You Need To Know About Them

If you have driven on a recently resurfaced road, you may have noticed the long white or yellow lines running along the edge of the lane. These lines are thermoplastic markings. Thermoplastic markings help guide drivers back into their lanes and alert them when they leave the roadway or cross over into another lane. Thermoplastics were developed in 1958 and replaced reflective glass beads as the most popular pavement marking material because they last longer than other pavement markings. Thermoplastic markings are known for their extended durability as they do not fade or deteriorate from exposure to sunlight or chemicals like oils and de-icing salt. Today, more than half of all roads in North America use thermoplastics for their markings!

If you require thermoplastic markings in Annapolis, MD, hire a professional company like Standard Striping and see what a difference they can make to your parking lot!

Read this blog post to learn more about these markings and how they make a commercial property more secure.

1) The Material and Application

Thermoplastics are made from polyvinyl chloride and work well in all weather conditions. They work best on new asphalt due to the absence of grooves or cracks that might cause the thermoplastic to peel away from the pavement. Public and private agencies prefer thermoplastics over paint primarily because it is considerably thicker and more durable. 

You can apply thermoplastics by hand with a paintbrush or sprayer. Applying it in the winter is not advisable because you risk ruining your thermoplastic before it even has time to properly set and adhere to the pavement, which means there’s potential for lines peeling away from the asphalt over time. Some states require installing road markers before snowfall so as not to ruin them when the snowplows come through later on!

2) The Benefits of Using Thermoplastic Markings on Your Parking Lot

A) Thermoplastic Parking Lot Markings are Weather Resistant

Many parking lot markings wear down due to harsh weather conditions, but thermoplastic coatings remain unaffected. You can expect to see these lines as fresh and new as when they were first installed in the springtime.

B) They Create a Stylish Parking Space for your Customers or Employees

The right color combination and design of your markings could make all the difference in customer satisfaction! You may find that customers appreciate this detail enough that it translates into more business opportunities than before from those who would have otherwise steered clear due to an unattractive layout.

C) Safety Benefits

Having clear durable markings on the parking lot improves safety for your customers and employees.

D) Reduced Cost

The initial cost of thermoplastic markings is a fraction of what it costs to install typically painted lines, which means you can get more mileage out of your investment by installing fewer lines in an area or on a building. Commercial property owners in Annapolis, MD, can count on Standard Striping to install first-rate thermoplastic markings and make their property safer. Get a free estimate from our licensed experts and enjoy affordable solutions for all your parking lot paving and striping needs.

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