Snow Plowing & Ice Management


Snow and ice accumulate throughout the winter months, making paved surfaces slippery. Slippery surfaces increase the risk of slips, falls, and collisions. Snow plowing and ice management services keep roads, sidewalks, and other pavements free from these hazardous materials so motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians can travel safely.

Contact us to speak with a snow plowing and ice management specialist about your options.

The Process

Weather Preparation

We track weather conditions to know when snow and ice removal will be needed most. Our skilled team members are ready to respond at a moment’s notice during the winter months.

Plowing & Removal

We deploy work crews once snow and ice have accumulated enough to make conditions hazardous. We use advanced equipment, including snowplows, snow blowers, and shovels. We then apply de-icing materials like salt and sand to minimize future snow and ice buildup.

Monitoring & Maintenance

We monitor and maintain pavements where snow and ice are most likely to accumulate to keep high-traffic areas accessible.

Benefits of Snow Plowing & Ice Management

Our Service Areas

Maryland’s Paving & Concrete Provider

Standard Paving & Concrete leads the industry in paving maintenance, repairs, and installation. We proudly serve clients in Maryland, Northern Virginia and Delaware. Find a location near you to get started.

Our Office:

983 Benning Road
Galesville, MD 20765

Have a job that extends beyond our service area? No worries. Our Pave America partners can help.


Get in Touch

Contact a pavement specialist to ask about our Snow Plowing & Ice Management services.