Key takeaways:
Neglected parking lots can give customers and clients a wrong impression of your business and lead to safety hazards.
Cracks in the pavement are one of the first signs of deterioration and can be fixed if detected early on.
Potholes can damage automobiles and cause pedestrians to trip and fall, so it is essential to fix them quickly.
Water pooling on your parking lot could indicate that your pavement needs to be draining correctly.
Oil stains occur when chemicals react with asphalt, separating its constituents and weakening the parking lot surface.
Weeds growing in cracks or crevices should be pulled by hand or treated with an herbicide.
Fading and oxidation are unavoidable in parking lot management, but regular seal coating can help prevent these consequences.
If your commercial parking lot looks shabby, it’s time to give it some attention. Neglected parking lots can give customers and clients a wrong impression of your business and lead to safety hazards. Here are eight signs that your commercial parking lot needs some love.
Sign 01: Cracks
Cracks in the parking lot pavement are one of the first symptoms of deterioration. Cracks form gradually over time due to erosion, UV radiation from the sun, and micro-movements in the earth. To make matters worse, water can seep into the gaps and freeze overnight during the cooler months. The expanding ice fractures the asphalt around the gap, weakening the sublayer.
When cracks are detected early on, they are affordable and easier to repair. Small cracks left untreated, however, will gradually grow into larger ones that are more difficult to repair, necessitating a whole resurfacing procedure.
There are two forms of cracking that signal that the pavement needs whole resurfacing.
Alligator Cracking:
Alligator cracks appear when the pavement’s foundation is damaged and resemble alligator skin. Asphalt crack fillers can repair small sections of alligator cracks. However, significant alligator cracks allow water to sneak in, freeze, grow, and cause more harm if addressed.
Block Cracking:
Block cracking is prevalent in places that experience temperature changes. The continual temperature changes cause large square or rectangular pavement surface cracks. With proper re-coating, block cracking may be prevented.
When these networks of fractures emerge, if quick action is not taken to fix them, irreparable damage to the structure can occur. When fracture networks grow too widespread, the parking lot pavement may need to be wholly replaced.
Sign 02: Potholes
Have you ever been concerned about your car’s tires and suspension when driving down a pothole-infested road? If so, you’re aware that potholes are the most obvious problem on the road and one of the most stressful. You don’t want it to be the first impression your guests get when they enter and depart from your property. Potholes not only leave a bad impression but are also hazardous to vehicles. They can damage automobiles and cause pedestrians to trip and fall, resulting in a liability action.
The ground expands and shrinks with water when it freezes and melts cyclically, producing weakness in some areas. These weak locations may develop fractures or deteriorate further due to water and traffic erosion, eventually becoming potholes. To avoid this, execute a parking lot check-up after each winter and fix any weak sections using hot mix asphalt.
Sign 03: Depressions or Warping
Parking lot pavement warping or major depressions provide further drainage concerns. Constant traffic pressure or harsh UV radiation can cause the pavement to expand and compress. These dips allow water to collect, causing additional damage to the parking lot.
Sign 04: Water Pooling
A slight inclination in commercial parking lots should allow water to flow toward the drains. If you notice water pooling, it could indicate that your pavement is not draining properly. This often happens when the subgrade beneath the asphalt is not compacted correctly or is too soft. As a result, the water will seep through cracks and pores in your pavement and cause further damage.
Clogged drains can also cause water pooling. Ensure your drains are cleaned and regularly inspected to avoid this problem.
Sign 05: Oil Stains
Chemicals such as gas, oil, and deicer are continually present in parking lots. These harsh chemicals react with asphalt, separating its constituents and weakening and loosening the parking lot surface in particular locations. If left unbound, it will cause cracks and potholes. When you see oil stains on your parking lot, it’s time to call a power cleaning company. You may also use a sealer to protect the asphalt from the impacts of oil exposure..
Sign 06: Weeds
Weeds are not only awful looking but can also create trip hazards. If you see weeds growing in cracks or crevices, it’s time to take action. Pull them by hand or treat them with an herbicide. You should also ensure that any landscaping around your parking lot is well-maintained so weeds don’t have a chance to take root.
Sign 07: Fading and Oxidation
Oxidation is unavoidable in parking lot management, just as iron rusts over time. The process through which oxygen molecules cause asphalt to lose electrons, making it more brittle and prone to erosion, is known as oxidation. Temperature, UV radiation, and oxygen saturation in the air are all variables that contribute to oxidation. The appearance of oxidized asphalt is faded and drab. While appearance isn’t everything, this color indicates a worn-out surface and subgrade.
Regular seal coating can help prevent these consequences, but if you’ve put it off, we may need to redo the parking lot first, then seal coat it for future protection.

Sign 08: Peeling Paint
Fresh paint is one of the quickest ways to brighten up a tired-looking and neglected parking lot. Touch up any worn areas, and consider repainting the lines if they’re barely visible. This will make your parking lot look neater and help the driver park safely.
Ending Note:
If you see any of the above symptoms, search for a skilled contractor to handle your project. Find a well-established firm that can give recommendations from pleased clients and has a proven strong track record of success. Choose a contractor with previous expertise with the work you want.
Standard Striping Inc has provided expert asphalt paving and maintenance services in Baltimore, MD, since 1998. We have expert personnel, decades of experience, cutting-edge technology, and current instruments to make your parking lot seem stylish and robust.